A Fireside Chat

This is a "lost episode" that I recorded about two years ago but never released. Some of the stuff I talk about in the beginning may sound a little dated and that's why.

Basically, this is a story of a date I went on in the year 2020 right in the middle of Covid.  I harbor no ill will towards the person in the story but we just were not a good romantic connection and I think once you listen to the episode, you will understand why.

We will resume our previously scheduled Cereal talk and other shenanigans next week. 

Homework assignment: Tell me your top three favorite cereals and why. And tell me your top three least favorite cereals and why.

Bonus Bonus Homework Assignment: Is there a band that you like and appreciate now but avoided for whatever reason a child/teenager.

All of the the songs from our music episodes can be found on Spotify in a playlist titled A Fireside Soundtrack. If you can't find it or need the link, shoot me a line and I will gladly send it to you.

This show is driven by the content you provide! Join the show by clicking on the link pinned to the top of our social media pages. Leave your questions, comments, feedback or whatever you like! COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL AND ANONYMOUS. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!

Thanks For Listening!


Direct download: Miss_Atomic_Bomb.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:55am EDT